The Importance of Diagnostic Wax-Up

Dental technician workingAt Arrowhead, we aim to achieve high standards through all our work. Each of our products is carefully crafted with both dentist and patient in mind. Our dental white wax-up is no exception. It is one of our many products that can help you show your patients what is possible through today’s advanced dental technology.

What is a dental white wax-up?

A wax-up is a three-dimensional model of the mouth, which is taken from impressions, making it an exact replica of the patient’s teeth. This allows the dentist to see what procedures may be required and how it will look when it is finished. This is the most efficient way to achieve the best results as it allows the dentist to take their time on the wax-up, which helps ensure that the work will be aesthetically pleasing.

Obviously, aesthetics is vastly important in cosmetic work, however, functionality is equally important. This is where the wax-up comes into play as a dentist can perform procedures, such as veneers and crowns, without affecting the patient’s bite.

Another common use of the wax-up is to make temporary veneers, crowns, and bridges that will match perfectly to the final product. This way the patient can decide if they are happy with the look and feel of their new teeth before going forward with any procedures. Once the patient is happy with the wax-up, the final product can be created. A happy patient equals a happy dentist.

In short, the wax-up can be beneficial to both dentist and patient for the following reasons:

  • To diagnose potential problems
  • To identify the solutions
  • To design tooth shapes and arch forms before treating a tooth
  • To diagnose if and how worn teeth can be rebuilt
  • To give the patient a better understanding of what can be achieved
  • To fabricate a matrix from the wax-up, which will be used as a mold for the next step of comprehensive cosmetic dentistry: the provisional restorations

A diagnostic wax-up gives you the power of complete control, from start to finish. Having the ability to take certain steps during the process allows each dentist to feel confident about the final procedure. Giving both dentist and patient confidence is something we love about each of our products, but especially with our dental white wax-up. However, you don’t have to take our word for it, contact us today and see for yourself.